Date: Saturday 22nd March 2025
Location: Greenbank Sports Academy, Greenbank Lane, L17 1AG
Y6 events 9.00am arrival starting with level doubles, then mixed & 10.30am singles
Y10 events 9.00am arrival starting with Singles and then 11.30 doubles & mixed doubles
Y8 events 1.00pm arrival starting with doubles & singles after 2.30pm
Y12 events 1.00pm arrival starting with singles, & doubles to follow. 3.00pm
Competitors must be registered with a Liverpool Junior or Senior league club,
attend a school in Liverpool or have a Liverpool postal code.
or play in the NEW Merseyside Junior League.
Only Bronze and below, ranked players will be allowed to enter.
Entries will be accepted at the discretion of the tournament committee.
If a player is deemed to be too strong then they will be requested to play in a higher age group.
Depending on the number of entries the competition may be graded into an A & B tournament.
The competition will include singles, level doubles and mixed doubles.
If insufficient entries are received for an event, the event will be withdrawn. All first-round events will be played in groups. Feather shuttles will be used in all events.
If you would like to play doubles but do not have a partner, put ‘Partner wanted’ on the entry form.
Provisional start times Y6 & Y10 - 9.00am Y8 & Y12 - 1.00pm
The closing date for entries will be Monday 10th March 2025 at 11pm.
(Entries will not be accepted on the day)
Each competitor should complete an entry form, online entry will be accepted using the link above,
which will be active from the 1st January 2025. Payment will be required prior to the day.
For further information contact: robsowden33@gmail.com
Sponsored by: Acorn Insurance

Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League

Address. http://www.liverpoolbadminton.org.uk

Liverpool City Junior Badminton Championships 2025