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Where Can I Play?
Social Clubs
Courts are available for hire at a variety of Leisure Centres and schools across the city.
Follow the link below to find a facility near you and how you can contact them to book courts.
Is there a club I can join?
We have a variety of Clubs across the city to meet your needs. Some have one team and others have many more. Most clubs meet once a week in their chosen facility for between 2 & 3 hours. Annual Membership applies for insurance purposes and to help keep the costs lower.
Visitors to Liverpool are welcome to join in with club play. Please check that the club is running on the night you require. Contact details can be found on the Club pages.
Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League

Address. http://www.liverpoolbadminton.org.uk

Juniors Clubs
There are a few Junior Clubs in Liverpool providing regular opportunities for younger players to develop their skills. Select the Junior tab to find out more. Several schools also run breakfast, lunchtime and after school clubs.
If you would like to create a club then we can help!
Adult Clubs
There are ten Clubs in Liverpool providing regular opportunities for players to develop their skills.
Select a club below to find out more.
If you would like to create your own club then get in touch. We can help!