To stay up to date...
Throughout the Year the following competitions take place

The Sangster Cup is an annual Knock-out event with each team in the league being drawn out at the beginning of the season to play against another team. Play usually starts 1 month after the season commences. Teams are given a hidden handicap which is revealed once the match has finished.

This day even takes place just after Christmas and brings together approximately 8 teams from Clubs in the League. Each team challenge 3 or more other teams in a round-robin group. The group winners go on to play a final. This is a popular event and is also handicapped to help create an even playing field.
The Annual Tournament takes place in March and is open to all league players. All events are available in an Open and Veterans (over 40's) age group. This event helps the League identify & select players who will represent Liverpool in the Inter League.

Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League

Address. http://www.liverpoolbadminton.org.uk