Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League

Address. http://www.liverpoolbadminton.org.uk

The Executive
Liverpool Badminton work closely with a range of organisations within Merseyside which form our Community Badminton Network (CBN), bringing opportunities to play the sport at adult and Junior Level. We actively promote and engage in development opportunities such as:
10th World Fire Fighters Games - 218 Golds to England, 3000 competitors.
Yehlex Badminton Bonanza @ the Echo Arena
Walton Park Festivals, NHS Games and Open Days.
We also support events organised by the Merseyside Sports Partnership
such as their Active Work Place programme. Business Games Video Link
We are thriving city full of talented individuals, visitors from across the world explore the leisure and cultural heritage that our city has to offer. Badminton has been part of this since 1939.
