We are a Badminton England affiliated club with 3 adult mixed teams and one adult men’s team that play in the Liverpool badminton league.
We play every week and have a strict visitor policy, please get in touch before arriving.
We play throughout the summer 7-9pm every Sunday and 6-9pm during the match season.
Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League
Address. http://www.liverpoolbadminton.org.uk
South Liverpool Badminton Club
Venue: Gateacre School
Location: Hedgefield Road, Belle Vale L25 2RW
Time: Club night Sunday 6 - 9pm
Matches: 1st, 2nd, 3rd Teams 6:30pm - 9pm Sun
4th team Wednesday 8-10pm.
Contact: Matt Porter 07506 252865
Email: contact_us@southliverpoolbadmintonclub.com
Website: www.southliverpoolbadmintonclub.com/
Teams: 4 Mixed league teams, 2 Men's league
Coaches: Yes
Stringers: Active Yes