Liverpool Badminton
Liverpool & District Badminton League

Address. http://www.liverpoolbadminton.org.uk

This event takes place after Christmas each year to kick-start the second half of the season. It is open to all affiliated clubs in the Liverpool League and requires 2 ladies & 2 Gents per team. These players must be from the same club.
The event takes place on a Sunday staring at apx. 9.30am
Entry forms will be available for download from November each year or in the handbook. The Club to organise this competition will be selected at the AGM.
Closing Date: 5th Jan 2022
Competition Date: Sunday 16th January 2022
Venue: The De La Salle Academy, Carr Lane East L11 4SG
Start Time: 9.30am
Maximum Teams: 10
Organisers 2022: FORDS Badminton Club
Contact Rob with entries
Previous Winners
Winner R-Up
2021-22 KCF Fords
2019-20 Fords KCF
2018-19 Hilltop KCF 1
2017-18 South Liverpool KCF 1
2016-17 South Liverpool 1 KCF 1
2015-16 KCF 1 Fords
2014-15 Apollo KCF
Teams will be placed in either Group A or Group B.
All teams in the group will play each other.
One court will be used per match of (4 games) two ends to 21pts.
1 Ladies, 1 Mens , 1st Mixed & 2nd Mixed
The winner of Group A will play the Winner of Group B in a Final, on two courts.
There may be a cross over semi if time permits.
Final should take place around 2.30 or 3.30pm
We have the courts booked until 5pm.
Stan Wahlers Team Event Sunday 16th Jan 2022